jeudi 27 mars 20140Nose : Some honey, with some vegetal pinches (mint, aniseed), a little bit of malt for a fresh nose that gets off the beaten tracks by its massive plants addition. Then...
jeudi 27 mars 20140Nose : a slightly chemical peat (burnt plastic) alongside caramel and cotton candy. The sweet aspect then blends with the crowd to let more coastal salt and lemon spout....
mercredi 26 mars 20140Nose : The peat strongly attacks but gets slowly more discrete (leaving smoke and a medicinal scent in mind, quite like a Laphroaig). Hazelnuts then become prominent....
mercredi 26 mars 20140
Nose : A well present peat (between light burn, salt and more earthy tones) alongside green apple and malt. We also sense that spices arrive with the...
mercredi 19 mars 20140Nose : Fruity/floral profile. The whole is very feminine, with perfume fragrances. In a second phase, not very ripe yellow fruits arrive. Some apples, vanilla. We...
mardi 11 février 20140
Aultmore is one of those Speyside distilleries that were mainly seen through the independent bottling prism. If we now know a stocked official alternative (12, 18,...
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